Lucked out on the rain again today, making for some fine touring. It's a powerful thing to see for the first time the results of preservation efforts you participated in from afar, years ago. The Third Winchester tracts are impressive. Likewise Fisher's Hill. This second, chock-full day wrapped up at Toms Brook. If I'm not mistaken, we walked through part of a dedicated frisbee-golf course to get to the marker. Scott Patchan regaled the attendees this evening with a detailed examination of the life of Phil Sheridan. Many folks are heading home in the morning, but about 20 of us will spend four hours at Cedar Creek with Scott. Shoot -- I forgot to go to bed again.
> Scott Patchan regaled the attendees this evening with a detailed examination of the life of Phil Sheridan. >
Oh, this sounds bad for General Sheridan. It seems to me the more one looks into 'the details', the less the stature of Little Phil.
I'm glad all had a great time at the reunion. Best, Dave
We missed you this year. Thanks for the note. I shouldn't feel satisfaction that I am one inch taller than Sheridan's reported height of 5'5. But I do. Now if I can just avoid getting as WIDE as he eventually got.
Dave/s, anything that sounds bad for Sheridan, sounds good to me (g) Sorry you couldn't be there, Dave M, despite the so so weather we had a great time.
Regards - Anne
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