Thursday, February 02, 2012

How Egypt Won the American Civil War

by  Matthew Osborn
February 2, 2012
Al Arabiya News
read the full article here

Egypt, which previously accounted for only 3 percent of cotton exports to Europe, saw its profits boom from $7 million to $77 million in just four years. With Egyptian cotton flooding the European market, the demand for Southern cotton disappeared, as did European support for the Confederacy that was based, in part, on a need for the South’s cotton.

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty cool take on why Europe wasn't more enthusiastic about backing the South. And I'm going to go back and read the entire article when I haven't had 6 beers while wathcing the Super Bowl. I like the idea of this blog. Stop by and I'll add yours to my list so I can remember how to get back here.
