Friday, September 23, 2011

Remembering some Civil War Forum Battlefield Tours

Bob Krick at Chancellorsville stylishly sporting
a SF Giants ballcap and a 49ers logo shirt (2003)

 Bob Krick at Fredericksburg (2003) 

 With Krick at the Muleshoe, Spotsylvania (2003)

 Gordon Brown, Atlanta History Center (2008)

 Some prized kepis in the Atlanta History Center collection (2008)

 Logbook of the CSS Shenandoah, Atlanta History Center (2008)

 Richmond's Hollywood Cemetery.
Matthew Fontaine Maury in the foreground.
President James Monroe in the background (2011)

 State Historian James Wooten, Pickett's Mill (2008)

 Bobby Krick at Beaver Dam Creek (2011)

 Scene of "The Crime at Pickett's Mill" (2008)

 Author Russell Bonds on Pine Mountain
site of the death of General Leonidas Polk (2008)

 Russ Bonds at Big Shanty, with The General (2008)

At right, Professor Nystrom, New Orleans (2010)

 Atop Malvern Hill (2011)

 Johnston's Chattahoochee River Line (2008)

 Stuart monument at Yellow Tavern (2011)

 Fort Pike, New Orleans (2010)

 Atlanta tour guides: Russell Bonds, Charlie Crawford,
Gordon Jones, Stephen Davis, Greg Biggs (2008)

 Detail from a Scaife map at the Atlanta Cyclorama (2008)

 My youngest son, bored to death, but patient
at the Laura Plantation in Louisiana (2010)

 Slave cabin at Laura Plantation (2010)

 Oak Alley Plantation (2010)

 Historian Jim Ogden, Stones River (1998)

 Ewell's grave in Nashville (2006)

 Ed Bearss at Appomattox (2007)

 Historians Ron Wilson and Patrick Schroeder
at Appomattox (2007)

 Bearss and Wilson on Lee's Retreat (2007)

 Lee's Retreat Tour (2007)

 McClean Parlor (2007)

 William Garrett Piston, on right, at Wilson's Creek (2004)

Ed Bearss and the late Brian Pohanka on the
bank of the Mississippi River at Vicksburg (2000)
[photo by Rudy Perini]


  1. These are great, David. Brings back memories and always good to see Krick, Bearss, et. al. What about that unique image on the porch at Franklin. (LOL)

  2. Ted, though I wasn't there at the time, the image is seared into my mind, like car wreck.
