Monday, May 03, 2010

I was reading Drew Wagenhoffer's superb blog this morning, as is my wont

Suddenly it dawned on me. We need to declare a moratorium on Civil War books with "Thunder" in the title, unless the subject of the book is an actual weather event.

Yes, the word evokes the rumbling sound of "deep-throated" artillery, but enough is enough.

Thunder on the River, Valley Thunder, A Distant Thunder, Echoes of Thunder, Thunder in Arcadia Valley, Thunder from a Clear Sky, A Deep, Steady Thunder, Silent Thunder, A Savage Thunder, A Voice of Thunder, Thunder at Gettysburg, Thunder at Hampton Roads, Thunder Along the Mississippi, A Rising Thunder, Fire and Thunder, Gray Thunder, Galloping Thunder. . . you get the idea.


  1. While we're at it, let's put an end to the use of the colon in book titles.

  2. David,
    You stole my thunder. I had an idea for a post about the very same thing. LOL.


  3. Harry -- that has crossed my mind as well.

    Drew -- maybe you mentioned it in one of our conversations. Just lately, especially, there seems to be 4 or 5 such titles, and your latest post made it jump out in a big way.


  4. There goes the idea for the title of my New Market Heights book. It was going to be called A Thunderous Thundering Thunder: The Battle of New Market Heights.

